
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Be Carefull With Your Blood Sugar Levels During Pregnancy

Diabetes  simply means you have abnormally high levels of sugar in your blood. When you eat, your digestive system breaks most of your food down into a type of sugar called glucose. The glucose enters your bloodstream and then, with the help of insulin (a hormone made by your pancreas), your cells use the glucose as fuel. However, if your body doesn't produce enough insulin – or your cells have a problem responding to the insulin – too much glucose remains in your blood instead of moving into the cells and getting converted to energy.

What  is Gestational Diabetes? It is a type of diabetes that is triggered by changes in the body's metabolism and hormone levels in the mother's body that occur because of the pregnancy. So many pregnant women who experience gestational diabetes or type 2 diabetes mellitus during pregnancy. Moreover the general public to consume carbohydrates, rice as a staple food. Babies in pregnant women with diabetes tend to have the large despite pregnancy was not enough, so the risk to be born early but his organs are not mature enough.
This is a type of diabetes that some women get during pregnancy. Between 2 and 10 percent of expectant mothers develop this condition, making it one of the most common health problems of pregnancy.

It is important for you to to monitor blood sugar levels during your pregnancy. Pregnant mother  should perform routine screening examinations. What should be done in order to keep blood sugar levels normal is by injecting insulin therapy, keeping a low sugar diet and light exercise regularly as recommended by your doctor. During pregnancy, the doctor will continue to monitor the development of the fetus on a regular basis. After the baby is born, the blood sugar levels will be evaluated to see the baby's body's ability to regulate blood sugar levels without the help of her mother's insulin. Likewise, the mother will continue to be monitored until 3 months after delivery.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Arithmia Cordis, Pregnancy With Cardiovascular Abnormalities

Pregnancy with congenital heart called arithmia cordis, which is an irregular heart rhythm. A fetal arrhythmia occurs in about 1-2% of all pregnancies. A fetal arrhythmia is simply an abnormal heartbeat and can be classified as one of three types.

Tachycardia means that the heart is beating too fast. Brachycardia means the heart is beating to slow. An irregular heartbeat means that the heart is experiencing extra or skipped beats. A fetus' heart rate should be between 120 and 160 beats per minute to be considered normal and healthy.
Symptoms are, even felt before marriage is often fainted when fatigue. During pregnancy should be arranged so as not to restrict the activities of fatigue and fainting as well as make the heart rhythm becomes chaotic, because it will affect the fetal growth process.
The risk of  heart disease is the occurrence of additional workload on the heart of the capital. Because when a pregnant mother, there will be an increase of about 30% of blood volume to be pumped around the body the heart of the mother and fetus should be able to reach the body.
The doctor will assess the extent to which pregnancy affects maternal heart problems-and, conversely, the extent to which maternal cardiac abnormalities affect the growth and development of the fetus. It also needs to consider the impact of the drugs the mother used to help regulate heart rhythm, to the fetus.
If the drug is consumed will affect the growth and development of the fetus, even at risk of disability, the drug should be replaced with a very mild type of risk. Furthermore, continued careful monitoring to determine the point of peak load capacity of heart that has not been tolerated, and would endanger the mother's life. At this point the doctor will do the surgery to stop the heart’s load of the pregnant mother. 
In some cases,  arrhythmia will go away on their own. It will  not create any long-lasting effects for the baby. However, some fetal arrhythmias can reveal true health complications such as structural problems in the heart, heart disease, infections or exposure to alcohol, tobacco or drugs in utero. It is better for you to get  Doppler and ultrasound exams. It  can detect a fetal arrhythmia during your pregnancy. Because fetal arrhythmias can cause fetal distress or fetal death because the baby can not breathe well.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

The wrong Habit of Pregnant Mother

 Weight gain during pregnancy sometimes can not be controlled It is  generally caused by lifestyle and not proper. Some of new habit  of pregnant mother must be reconsidered.

Fill the fridge.
Before getting  pregnant, you have intended to improve your diet. So the spirit of fulfilling the fridge with groceries milk, pure fruit juice, fruit and vegetables, cheese, meat and get rid of foods that are considered "bad", eg rainbow cake sprinkled with sugar.  Actually It's okay to fill the fridge with healthy foods. But  you must store normal amount of food. The addition of maternal calorie needs about 300 calories / day, which can be obtained from a sandwich or a glass of milk. Put so many foods in the refrigerator could encourage eating more than needed.

The Diet.
 Before pregnant you have to manage your diet that makes you feel healthy, fit, and body weight maintained. When you got pregnant, your doctors may suggest to stop the diet and replacing it with a standard healthy diet. But you must know that a big change in diet can lead to health problems and weight gain that you can not control. Keep eating normally , but give more attention to the adequacy of all the necessary nutrients for pregnant women. But if there are indications of deterioration in conditions, such as get weaken so often, weight does not increase, or your  doctors said that you have deficiencies of certain nutrients, it is must for you to change diet needs.

Cold Water Myth
Some people believe that  drinking a lot of water, especially cold water can make  pregnant women and their babies fat. There is also the myth of the cold water will solidify the fat body to become fat. As a result, many pregnant women choose to limit their drinking. Do not want to drink is wrong habits. Drinking water does not make fat except the water added with sweeteners. Insufficient drinking water will lead to dehydration. Dehydration in pregnancy is not only harmful to the mother, but also the fetus.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Is "Kicking" A Sign That Our Baby Will Grow Into Active Child?

Experiencing fetal movement in our stomach is so wonderfull. It is one of the special gift from God given to us as a woman, and specially the chosen one.  This experience is also limited in our lifetimes. So don’t waste this moment, feel and enjoy that kick! It is a very special kick.
As a pregnant mother we all must know that sometimes between 18-25 weeks into pregnancy, we  will begin to feel movement. If it is our first pregnancy, it may occur closer to 25 weeks, and for second or third time moms, it may occur closer to 18 weeks.
According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) is ideally women feel fetal movement at least 10 movements in 2 hours. In general, the movement is perceived in a shorter period of time.  But keep in mind, that the fetus in the womb can sleep well. So that in this situation when we do not feel fetal movement. However, the fetus should not sleep more than 4 hours
Strong or weak of fetal movements of the fetus depends on which one moves and maternal perceptions. For example, the movement of the baby kicking or leg twisting in pregnancy at term would be perceived as a strong movement by the mother. Conversely hand movement or fingers would be perceived as weak by the movement of the mother.

In general, the fetus moves more active at night around  09:00 to 01:00 PM. So you must wake up because of this movements.  Mother's perception of the strength or weakness of fetal movement depends maternal sensitivity in assessing fetal movement, the amount of amniotic fluid or fat thickness. Amniotic fluid also affect the strength of the maternal fetal movements felt. When we have a slight amount of amniotic fluid,  we will feel fetal movement more strongly, whereas if the amount of amniotic fluid is much, mothers usually feel less fetal movement. The truth needs to be considered not a strong or weak movement of the baby, but how often / frequency of  our baby's movements.

We often feel that  the fetus kick again and again,  is it  the sign that he will grow into an active child? Fetal movement did show a good development of the central nervous system and muscular system bones during in the womb. Fetal movement and activity can predict behavior and mental and motor development of the infant after birth. However, the movement during pregnancy does not mean if the function of organs at birth was perfect. Movement of the fetus felt by the mother, although the fetus with congenital anatomical organ or genetic disorders.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Fetal Kick Counting, Monitoring The Movement of Your Baby

From the number of fetal kicks per day, you can detect the health of the baby. Fetal kick count is important, since counting  fetal movements or kicks is one method that can be used to estimate the health and well-being of the fetus. This method can be done at any time and anywhere. When pregnant women feel fetal movement, while it also increases maternal attachment between the mother and fetus.
Do we have, as pregnant mother  to count fetal kicks?  Every  pregnant mother  should count each day. Calculations can be done since the age of 28 weeks (7 months) until delivery. Counting fetal movements especially recommended in pregnancy high-risk areas such as maternal gestational diabetes mellitus, gestational hypertension or preeclampsia, fetal and more likely to be small. But  pregnancies with no risk factors is recommended also.

 The fetus begins to move from the age of 7-8 weeks. But a new movement felt by the mother at 16-24 weeks of gestation, depending on the number of previous pregnancies, fat thickness and position of the placenta. When the position of the placenta in the front or the mother's womb with a thick fat, then the mother will feel fetal movement less frequently. Mothers with a first pregnancy are generally slower to recognize fetal movements compared to mothers with pregnancy to two or three.
When you  do monitoring for 2 hours and did not feel fetal movement, done in ways that can stimulate fetal movement. Then do the monitoring return for 2 hours. If  you feel no motion at least 10 times, check the condition of the fetus to the doctor. The doctor will perform tests such as ultrasound and kardiotokografi to assess fetal wellbeing.
But you must note that the fetal movement will decrease in the third trimester of pregnancy (32-41 weeks). This is due to the fetus room to move around more limited due to the larger fetus. In general, the fetus is not moving around, but the movement of the extremities kick  or head and  butt.
Actually  fetal breech or transverse can be detected from the kick.  When pregnant mothers especially feel the movement of the feet or hands below the navel and the fetal head or butt on the left or right side of the abdomen possible transverse fetal position in the back of the uterus (fundus). In breech fetus, the mother will feel the round and hard in the top of the uterus (fundus) and fetal movement was mainly felt at the bottom.
If you do not feel fetal movement, you do not  need to worry if you do not feel it at the age of 20 weeks. The following  are what  affect how quickly you can feel your baby kick.
     *  Your body weight.
    * The location of the placenta.
    * The number of pregnancies you have.  In  second pregnancy you will  feel quickly because you've ever felt it before.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

A Good Preparation for More Smoothly Childbirth Process

The birthing process is a struggle. But with a good preparation, it can be more smoothly process. I’m very sure we all want it! So what are the preparation?!...

1. Prepare your Baby "Glide".
The position of your baby must be ready "glide" - head down – position make childbirth process easier. Since the 34th week of pregnancy, do this kind of exercise, kneeling on the floor, bent over with resting on fitness ball or chair, so that the knees lower than your butt and help the baby "dropped".
2. Up and down stairs.
When the stomach is distended, and you feel lazy to go up and down stairs. In fact, if do it carefully, up and down the stairs will give you great benefit to help the fetus down the birth path.
3. Keep Healthy!
Consume a balanced nutritious diet, drink milk, supplement from the your doctor, get well rest, but please, don’t be lazy to do exercise. If you are healthy and fit, you can go through the delivery process in shorter time.
4. Perineum massage.
Since the 34th week of pregnancy, you must get massage on your perineum - the area between the vagina to the anus, so that the region is more flexible, ready to open and stretch, thus reducing tearing risk during the labor. Use massage oil of wheatgerm or sweet almond. Perform the massage before taking a bath in the morning and afternoon.
5. Childbirth at Home. In the modern country, this method became habit again. It is because the advantages. The pregnant mother whose pregnancies were not troubled will feel more familiar with the atmosphere of the house so it's quieter at birth. But if you have any doubts to go childbirth at home, you must try to find the best hospital in town.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

A Trend of Caesarean Section For Childbirth

Caesarean section delivery of a fetus is a way to make an incision on the front wall of the abdomen or the vagina, or hysterotomy  for the delivery of a fetus from the womb. It also said that Caesarean section is moving fetus from the uterus through an incision made in the abdominal wall and uterus operation is arguably not a small operation, plants sometimes required as an alternative to giving birth for the mother and baby.

Recently this method becomes a  trend in pregnant mother as their preference of delivery method. Though caesarean section should be done if there are medical indications such as:
1. The location of the placenta is too low, blocking the birth canal (placenta previa)
2. Babies deprived of oxygen
3. Fetus and pelvic shape disproportionately
4. Pre-eclampsia
5. Women experience high blood pressure

Beyond these conditions, there are some other conditions that the reason for the action taken caesarean section (although many experts also say these conditions could still be delivered  normally), namely:
1. Babies in the breech and the condition is the first pregnancy
2. The baby was too small and weak body, so it is not able to survive through natural childbirth
3. Some cases, the mother who was once given birth via caesarean section to undergo surgery again
When diopeasi section, you will be sedated (anaesthetized). Usually only be done under local anesthetic by injection anesthesia yng done. Usually right in certain locations of the vertebral column. After that it will be made an incision approximately 20 cm below the abdomen, just above the pubic bone.

Furthermore, the uterus is opened and the baby will be removed through the incision. After the placenta is delivered, the doctor will sew up the incision again. All this process takes between 20 to 30 minutes.

The pain will usually arise after surgery. The doctor will prescribe pain medication as prescribed refiners, so you'll be able to rest. The drug is a type of drug that will go into effect on colostrum and milk. That means you can directly feed the baby. If there is no problem, the next 4-5 days you are allowed to go home.

Is there a risk of cesarean section? Sure there are. The main risk for the mother is bleeding during and after delivery, and infection in the scar. However, now caesarean generally runs smoothly. Your doctor will monitor your progress during and after surgery to prevent any further complications.
1.       A hysterotomy (also known as an emergency abdominal rescue in cases of shoulder dystocia) is an incision in the uterus, commonly combined with a laparotomy during a caesarean section. Hysterotomies are also performed during fetal surgery.  
2.       Pre-eclampsia or preeclampsia is a medical condition in which hypertension arises in pregnancy (gestational hypertension) in association with significant amounts of protein in the urine.
Source: Wikipedia

Pregnancy At 40 Or After

Women aged of 40 considered at risk for delivery. Therefore you have to take into account the age factor when you have a plan to get pregnant on that age. There are two risks that may occur in pregnancy for women aged 40 years or more. Risks to the mother and the risk to the baby.

Actually, the ovum has been already in the female reproductive organs since their birth. However, every month it is released one by one because it has been ripe. Tt means,ovum stored for almost 40 years The question is, why is so risky? Since it is possible that the ovum exposure to radiation during that period. Consequently, pregnancy at the age of 40 will have the risk of having babies with disabilities. The most common disability is Down syndrome (motor weakness, low IQ). But it could also physically disabled.The second risk is for the mother. Entering the age of 35, she must to be careful to get pregnant because the reproductive health of women in this age decreases. Their condition will decline when entering the age of 40. The risk is increasingly by the age of 40 years, because degenerative diseases (such as high blood pressure, diabetes) began to appear. The worst is that all the risk can cause the death of the mother.

But you do not need to worry if you have been good enough in keeping the body fit, because, even if you are included to women at risk, you will be able to give birth normally. You and your baby will be healthy. However you should consult your doctor about the nutrition you need for healthy pregnancies later.
There are a few things you should consider physical condition if you have plan to be pregnant at the age of 40.

• Because the chromosomes and ovum quality is not as good compared to when you were younger. Karen that you have a greater risk of giving birth a child with physical or mental disabilities
• Decreased elasticity of the pelvis will cause difficulties during childbirth.
• pelvic cavity and the muscles weaken so easily again face severe complications such as bleeding.
• Most of the labor is done by caesarean section.
• The possibility of having a baby with Down syndrome, 1: 100 for women who first gave birth at age 40-45, and 1: 40 if you are aged 45 years or older at first birth.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Hypnobirthing, A Method of Delivery

We often heard about Hypnobirthing . Do we really know it? Is it good method and safe for us? Let’s find out what hypnobirthing all about..

Hypnobirthing is one method of delivery. Hypnobirthing  is defined as the process of hypnosis.  With emphasis on  pregnant woman doing relaxation exercise and planting subconscious concepts that support the conscious control of the sensations and actions of these women during their delivery.

Every child birth  will surely bring pain due to stretching of the cervix. There is no childbirth without  pain. But the it can be reduced by pharmacological as systemic analgesics, inhalation analgesia, nerve blockade analgesia (epidural blockade / LEA and intrathecal blockade / ILA and non-pharmacological hypnotic, regulate breathing and others.

Pain on childbirth can cause anxiety and fatigue and can cause negative effects on the progress of delivery. Pain response depends on the culture and perception of maternal before. All pregnant mother surely expect the delivery process run smoothly without having to feel the pain. So that pain management is an important aspect in obstetrical care.

Until now, midwifery approach to helping labor is still in the physical. Therefore there a need  need to develop hypnobirthing to help labor overall (physical, mental and spiritual). If the benefit of hypnobirthing  developed,  besides preparing  natural, smooth and comfortable childbirth,  the babies will be born in  physically and mentally health. And the benefits for the mother is increase milk production and prevent postpartum depression.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Benefits in Water Deliveries For Mother and Baby.

There are so many benefits we can get from deliveries in water method. Therefore let us learn, who knows this method will be our first choice. The benefit of  Water Deliveries for pregnant mother is that she will feel more relaxed, because of all the muscles associated with childbirth being elastic. This method will also facilitate the process of pushing. So the pain during labor is not too much. Besides, in water as the media the opening of the birth will run faster.

And for the baby, in Water Deliveries method apparently reduce the risk of injury to the baby's head. Although there is no in-depth research, but health experts believe that the birth of a baby in this method allows a higher IQ than babies born with other methods. Other benefits of this method is that  the baby's blood circulation will be better, so that the baby will be quickly flushed after birth.

Oke, whta do you thing? Could you determine if this method is the best for you? Or we need more post about other methods? You can wait next posting.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Deliveries in Water, Why Not?

Water birth or birth in water is an increasingly popular method. Many pregnant mothers  have a tendency to choose this method. This is because it has a lot of benefits. In addition to reducing pain, it also makes the method of delivery will make pregnant women have more power to push. Some studies suggest that the method of giving birth in water is also beneficial for the baby. This method is basically done in a special maternity pool of water with a temperature of 95-100 degrees Fahrenheit. Avoid using bathtubs or swimming tubs for small children, because it will be  difficult to maintain the right temperature.

Childbirth in water  first introduced in France in 1803. And  during the 1970s, some midwives and doctors in Russia and France became interested in ways to help babies make the transition from life in the womb to life outside as smooth as possible.

Giving birth in the water  helps pregnant mother  feel more relaxed so as to reduce pain during labor. In a bath of water, the skin will have a greater elasticity, thus minimizing the risk of tearing on the baby's birth. Giving birth in water is also beneficial for the baby. Medium water eases the transition baby from the uterus, amniotic fluid, to the outside world. Supporters of the technique say that birth in water harmless. The baby will breathe in the water, because he will start using his lungs until he was taken to the air in the first 10 seconds after birth.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Find The Best Method Of Your Own Delivery

You must have read a lot of books  on childbirth. And maybe  you  have also got a lot of advice you’re your parents or close friends. The point when we are pregnant is , we must  really - really keep the pregnancy healthy. Even the food we consume must be very careful y paid.  Moreover,  if the pregnancy is  the first pregnancy.

And the funny thing, because we got too many suggestions we often become confused, which one should be followed.  During pregnancy our Body  has so many changes. So maybe prenatal  yoga will  helps us cope with the changes.  By doing yoga we can feel comfortable and relaxed. And the most important thing is, we have trained  our breathing skills that we will need during delivery  later.

In the past, people only know two methods of delivery, normal or caesarean. But now there are other delivery methods, such as water birth, home birth, or hypnobirthing. We need to wisely determine the most suitable method  for us.  Because one method  could be a suitable for someone, but not suitable for us.

The question is, how we can  find the best  method ?  Of course we have to find a lot of information from many sources about the three methods.  We must ask for advice from the doctors that we visit regularly,  or we can also share with mothers who had given birth and asked  their experience with method they choose.

Miranda Kerr's Pregnancy

A beautiful model , Miranda Kerr   had  hidden her pregnancy. But  finally she confirmed  the news. She choose a unique way,. Admitting  her pregnancy was not a way to make remarks in public. More than that, he published it in a way took off all her clothes and let the photographer Patrick Demarchelier perpetuate belly. Body Kerr really changed. Although still shows like a glamor model.

In a photograph session, Kerr looks staring proudly. Her hands put  in the stomach that  is now entering the age of seven months. The photos will adorn the planned upcoming December issue of a  magazine.  In an interview, Kerr admitted that currently the main focus is learning to be a mother. "For me, family is life," said the wife of actor Orlando Bloom's.

She then decided to enjoy a short break periods of pregnancy and has no intention to rush back to work soon after childbirth. Kerr and movie stars Pirates of the Caribbean was first met backstage at a fashion show Victoria's Secret in New York in 2006. They married in July in a very private celebration.
Until now, both Kerr and Bloom, was officially announced about her pregnancy in public, let alone about the gender of the baby. They said, let it be a surprise later. Let us pray for them to have a healthy babby.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Nutrition For Mother and Her Baby

Give your attention on nutrition, because providing a good one for both the mother and baby is a must. For you know that two polyunsaturated fatty acids, AA and DHA, are building blocks of brain cells, the vascular system, and other tissues. DHA will be concentrated in the retina of the eye. It is very important for visual function.

DHA facilitates communication between brain cells, a critical brain function. The developing fetus depends on the mother’s nutrition to obtain these fatty acids. The mother’s supply comes from the foods she eats and her own tissues AA and DHA are vital to the mother’s health to support growth of the placenta and developing fetus, maintain her own tissues, and make substances, such as prostaglandins, which are important in childbirth.

The mother has two ways of providing AA and DHA for the fetus. One is to make them from precursor fatty acids and the other is to consume them in foods. For AA, either choice appears sufficient. The body makes AA from linoleic acid, the most plentiful polyunsaturated fatty acid in western diets. Meats and fish have some AA too. In western countries, there appears to be plenty of AA for healthy development of the fetus and young infant.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Pregnant, Yes or No?!

For some women, especially in western country, being a mother is about choice. But not in eastern, even it become a must. It is because, a husband can divorce his wife if she ha not ability to get pregnant. But whatever the reason, we must set our goals about having (or not having) children . Especially when we are sexually active. It is what we called as reproductive life plan. It also involves knowing what we will take to support our goals. Of course our personal values, beliefs and society will have significant influences.
And the last we must calculate our health condition too, When we dicide to have baby, we must consult our health condition to a doctor. So we know if we have something that will influence our pregnancy or not.The worst, if the doctor say, we must not be pregnant, due to some medical reason, we must make a right decision.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

The Process of Pregnancy

The pregnancy process by which the single-cell human embryo (called a zygote (zi’got),1 becomes a 100 trillion-cell (1014) adult is perhaps the most remarkable phenomenon in all of nature. Studying human development from fertilization to birth, means that we will see these body parts and body systems emerge . We also learn when many routine body functions begin. Human development is a continuous process beginning with fertilization and continuing throughout pregnancy, birth, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and into old age. The process of pregnancy preceded by a process of fertilization of the egg cell united with sperm cells or spermatozoa and the results will form a zygote. zygotes started to divide one cell into two cells, two cells become four cells and so on. On the fourth day of the zygote becomes a lump cells that are ready to attach to the lining of the cavity the uterus (endometrium). Pregnancy begins in this process. On the seventh day the lump was organized into layers cells surrounding a room that contains a group of cells in the inside. Most pregnancy lasts about 40 weeks (280 days) and no more than 43 weeks (300 days). gestation which took place between 20-38 weeks of pregnancy is called preterm, whereas when more than 42 weeks of pregnancy are called postterm. According to age, pregnancy is divided into three, namely pregnancy first trimester 0-14 weeks, the second trimester of pregnancy 14-28 weeks and the third trimester of pregnancy 28-42 weeks.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Coconut Water For Pregnant Mother

In the community, there is a hereditary tradition that suggests pregnant women to increase drinking coconut water, especially from green coconut. It was said that if diligent drinking coconut water-especially in the third trimester of pregnancy-the amniotic fluid and the baby will be born clean also clean the skin, bushy hair and clear eyes. Is it true that? So far there has been no scientific studies that prove the truth of that sugestion. However, coconut water does contain many substances that are beneficial for pregnant women. Substances that are perhaps not directly make babies healthier as mentioned in the traditional advice. 1. Natural Electrolytes Coconut water is rich in electrolytes content, chloride, calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, and riboflavin. As a natural isotonic mineral rich and has the same electrolyte body electrolytes, coconut water is very beneficial for rehydration and restoring stamina. Pregnant women need more water than others. Dehydration during pregnancy can cause a variety of complications, including headaches, cramps, edema and even contraction which can lead to premature labor. 2. Natural Diuretics As a natural diuretic, sterile, coconut water diuretic and helps cleanse the urinary tract. It is nutritious substances out toxins from the body and prevent urinary tract infections are also quite common in pregnant women. 3. Antipenyakit Young coconut water contains lauric acid, the acid that helps fight disease. Lauric acid contained in coconut water the same as those found in breast milk and have the characteristics of an antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties that maintain the health of the mother and baby from viruses such as herpes and HIV, protozoa giardia lamblia, and bacteria chlamydia and heliokobater. 4. Helps Digestion Coconut water is also believed to improve digestive function. During pregnancy, the placenta produces the hormone progesterone, which slows digestion so that the stomach muscle contractions slowed down. Coconut water can help increase the speed of digestion. 5. Increase HDL Young coconut water contains no fat and cholesterol, according to research even to raise good cholesterol (HDL) in the body. If you can not get fresh coconut water, now available in pure coconut water containers ready to drink can be purchased at the supermarket.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Preparation of Pregancy

Pregnancy is a miracle. A miracle of the living creation process where human are involved. Of course we will not waste this opportunity. A rare chance that maybe not everyone can feel it. Therefore, we must prepare ourselves as well as possible. Everything that will affect the process of pregnancy and delivery must be counted. As human beings in such modern era, we can not deny that this way of life and our lifestyle will greatly affect critical processes of pregnancy and birth. We need an awareness of its own so we are willing to change some of our lifestyle that will affect our children. Most women just realize that they are pregnant when they in 1 to 2 months of pregnancy. When they went to the doctor, pregnancy enters 2 to 3 months. The first 12 weeks of pregnancy is important because currently the main organ systems form fetus. Many important things can happen before you realize you are pregnant or before going to the doctor. Entering the pregnancy means of physical and mental preparation.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Nutrition Started Even Before Pregnancy

As parents, naturally we all want to have a healthy and intelligent child . Therefore we must give attention to nutrition before  and during pregnancy periode. Macro and micro nutrient intake greatly affects the health of mothers and children.

It just like building a house, there must be a good and thorough preparation. Similarly, in pregnancy, inadequate nutrition during pregnancy will make the fetus grow imperfect. There are several essential nutrients that women need to be consumed before pregnancy. A study showed that a person's nutritional status in adulthood associated with related nutrients consumed by the mother during pregnancy.

Some of the important micro-nutrients, such as iron, vitamin A, B6, B12, folic acid, and zinc. Will affect the condition of pregnancy and pregnant women kelahiran.Seorang a deficiency of folic acid, B12 and B6 in early pregnancy have a 70-80 percent risk of fetal defects, prematurely separated placenta and the baby was born with brain outside the shell.
In addition, iron deficiency in pregnant women also causes a decrease in children's cognitive abilities and zinc or a zinc deficiency trivial trigger diarrhea and young children born short.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Pregnancy and Childbirth

Pregnancy and childbirth is an important phase for a family. In general, women mengingnkannya. Not surprisingly, many couples who are expecting a child after a while married. Even in some countries in Asia, a wife who can not give the child to her husband, he deserves to be divorced.

But in some cases have an unwanted pregnancy. Teenage couples who become pregnant without marriage deliberately throwing their babies. With a variety of justifications that can not be accepted in any country.

 For a woman, getting pregnant is an invaluable gift by anything even though it is undeniable that during pregnancy will be physical changes that could not be avoided. In whatever condition, women will like this their physical changes.