
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Fetal Kick Counting, Monitoring The Movement of Your Baby

From the number of fetal kicks per day, you can detect the health of the baby. Fetal kick count is important, since counting  fetal movements or kicks is one method that can be used to estimate the health and well-being of the fetus. This method can be done at any time and anywhere. When pregnant women feel fetal movement, while it also increases maternal attachment between the mother and fetus.
Do we have, as pregnant mother  to count fetal kicks?  Every  pregnant mother  should count each day. Calculations can be done since the age of 28 weeks (7 months) until delivery. Counting fetal movements especially recommended in pregnancy high-risk areas such as maternal gestational diabetes mellitus, gestational hypertension or preeclampsia, fetal and more likely to be small. But  pregnancies with no risk factors is recommended also.

 The fetus begins to move from the age of 7-8 weeks. But a new movement felt by the mother at 16-24 weeks of gestation, depending on the number of previous pregnancies, fat thickness and position of the placenta. When the position of the placenta in the front or the mother's womb with a thick fat, then the mother will feel fetal movement less frequently. Mothers with a first pregnancy are generally slower to recognize fetal movements compared to mothers with pregnancy to two or three.
When you  do monitoring for 2 hours and did not feel fetal movement, done in ways that can stimulate fetal movement. Then do the monitoring return for 2 hours. If  you feel no motion at least 10 times, check the condition of the fetus to the doctor. The doctor will perform tests such as ultrasound and kardiotokografi to assess fetal wellbeing.
But you must note that the fetal movement will decrease in the third trimester of pregnancy (32-41 weeks). This is due to the fetus room to move around more limited due to the larger fetus. In general, the fetus is not moving around, but the movement of the extremities kick  or head and  butt.
Actually  fetal breech or transverse can be detected from the kick.  When pregnant mothers especially feel the movement of the feet or hands below the navel and the fetal head or butt on the left or right side of the abdomen possible transverse fetal position in the back of the uterus (fundus). In breech fetus, the mother will feel the round and hard in the top of the uterus (fundus) and fetal movement was mainly felt at the bottom.
If you do not feel fetal movement, you do not  need to worry if you do not feel it at the age of 20 weeks. The following  are what  affect how quickly you can feel your baby kick.
     *  Your body weight.
    * The location of the placenta.
    * The number of pregnancies you have.  In  second pregnancy you will  feel quickly because you've ever felt it before.

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