
Friday, November 30, 2012

Is "Kicking" A Sign That Our Baby Will Grow Into Active Child?

Experiencing fetal movement in our stomach is so wonderfull. It is one of the special gift from God given to us as a woman, and specially the chosen one.  This experience is also limited in our lifetimes. So don’t waste this moment, feel and enjoy that kick! It is a very special kick.
As a pregnant mother we all must know that sometimes between 18-25 weeks into pregnancy, we  will begin to feel movement. If it is our first pregnancy, it may occur closer to 25 weeks, and for second or third time moms, it may occur closer to 18 weeks.
According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) is ideally women feel fetal movement at least 10 movements in 2 hours. In general, the movement is perceived in a shorter period of time.  But keep in mind, that the fetus in the womb can sleep well. So that in this situation when we do not feel fetal movement. However, the fetus should not sleep more than 4 hours
Strong or weak of fetal movements of the fetus depends on which one moves and maternal perceptions. For example, the movement of the baby kicking or leg twisting in pregnancy at term would be perceived as a strong movement by the mother. Conversely hand movement or fingers would be perceived as weak by the movement of the mother.

In general, the fetus moves more active at night around  09:00 to 01:00 PM. So you must wake up because of this movements.  Mother's perception of the strength or weakness of fetal movement depends maternal sensitivity in assessing fetal movement, the amount of amniotic fluid or fat thickness. Amniotic fluid also affect the strength of the maternal fetal movements felt. When we have a slight amount of amniotic fluid,  we will feel fetal movement more strongly, whereas if the amount of amniotic fluid is much, mothers usually feel less fetal movement. The truth needs to be considered not a strong or weak movement of the baby, but how often / frequency of  our baby's movements.

We often feel that  the fetus kick again and again,  is it  the sign that he will grow into an active child? Fetal movement did show a good development of the central nervous system and muscular system bones during in the womb. Fetal movement and activity can predict behavior and mental and motor development of the infant after birth. However, the movement during pregnancy does not mean if the function of organs at birth was perfect. Movement of the fetus felt by the mother, although the fetus with congenital anatomical organ or genetic disorders.

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