
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Coconut Water For Pregnant Mother

In the community, there is a hereditary tradition that suggests pregnant women to increase drinking coconut water, especially from green coconut. It was said that if diligent drinking coconut water-especially in the third trimester of pregnancy-the amniotic fluid and the baby will be born clean also clean the skin, bushy hair and clear eyes. Is it true that? So far there has been no scientific studies that prove the truth of that sugestion. However, coconut water does contain many substances that are beneficial for pregnant women. Substances that are perhaps not directly make babies healthier as mentioned in the traditional advice. 1. Natural Electrolytes Coconut water is rich in electrolytes content, chloride, calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, and riboflavin. As a natural isotonic mineral rich and has the same electrolyte body electrolytes, coconut water is very beneficial for rehydration and restoring stamina. Pregnant women need more water than others. Dehydration during pregnancy can cause a variety of complications, including headaches, cramps, edema and even contraction which can lead to premature labor. 2. Natural Diuretics As a natural diuretic, sterile, coconut water diuretic and helps cleanse the urinary tract. It is nutritious substances out toxins from the body and prevent urinary tract infections are also quite common in pregnant women. 3. Antipenyakit Young coconut water contains lauric acid, the acid that helps fight disease. Lauric acid contained in coconut water the same as those found in breast milk and have the characteristics of an antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties that maintain the health of the mother and baby from viruses such as herpes and HIV, protozoa giardia lamblia, and bacteria chlamydia and heliokobater. 4. Helps Digestion Coconut water is also believed to improve digestive function. During pregnancy, the placenta produces the hormone progesterone, which slows digestion so that the stomach muscle contractions slowed down. Coconut water can help increase the speed of digestion. 5. Increase HDL Young coconut water contains no fat and cholesterol, according to research even to raise good cholesterol (HDL) in the body. If you can not get fresh coconut water, now available in pure coconut water containers ready to drink can be purchased at the supermarket.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Preparation of Pregancy

Pregnancy is a miracle. A miracle of the living creation process where human are involved. Of course we will not waste this opportunity. A rare chance that maybe not everyone can feel it. Therefore, we must prepare ourselves as well as possible. Everything that will affect the process of pregnancy and delivery must be counted. As human beings in such modern era, we can not deny that this way of life and our lifestyle will greatly affect critical processes of pregnancy and birth. We need an awareness of its own so we are willing to change some of our lifestyle that will affect our children. Most women just realize that they are pregnant when they in 1 to 2 months of pregnancy. When they went to the doctor, pregnancy enters 2 to 3 months. The first 12 weeks of pregnancy is important because currently the main organ systems form fetus. Many important things can happen before you realize you are pregnant or before going to the doctor. Entering the pregnancy means of physical and mental preparation.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Nutrition Started Even Before Pregnancy

As parents, naturally we all want to have a healthy and intelligent child . Therefore we must give attention to nutrition before  and during pregnancy periode. Macro and micro nutrient intake greatly affects the health of mothers and children.

It just like building a house, there must be a good and thorough preparation. Similarly, in pregnancy, inadequate nutrition during pregnancy will make the fetus grow imperfect. There are several essential nutrients that women need to be consumed before pregnancy. A study showed that a person's nutritional status in adulthood associated with related nutrients consumed by the mother during pregnancy.

Some of the important micro-nutrients, such as iron, vitamin A, B6, B12, folic acid, and zinc. Will affect the condition of pregnancy and pregnant women kelahiran.Seorang a deficiency of folic acid, B12 and B6 in early pregnancy have a 70-80 percent risk of fetal defects, prematurely separated placenta and the baby was born with brain outside the shell.
In addition, iron deficiency in pregnant women also causes a decrease in children's cognitive abilities and zinc or a zinc deficiency trivial trigger diarrhea and young children born short.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Pregnancy and Childbirth

Pregnancy and childbirth is an important phase for a family. In general, women mengingnkannya. Not surprisingly, many couples who are expecting a child after a while married. Even in some countries in Asia, a wife who can not give the child to her husband, he deserves to be divorced.

But in some cases have an unwanted pregnancy. Teenage couples who become pregnant without marriage deliberately throwing their babies. With a variety of justifications that can not be accepted in any country.

 For a woman, getting pregnant is an invaluable gift by anything even though it is undeniable that during pregnancy will be physical changes that could not be avoided. In whatever condition, women will like this their physical changes.