
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Benefits in Water Deliveries For Mother and Baby.

There are so many benefits we can get from deliveries in water method. Therefore let us learn, who knows this method will be our first choice. The benefit of  Water Deliveries for pregnant mother is that she will feel more relaxed, because of all the muscles associated with childbirth being elastic. This method will also facilitate the process of pushing. So the pain during labor is not too much. Besides, in water as the media the opening of the birth will run faster.

And for the baby, in Water Deliveries method apparently reduce the risk of injury to the baby's head. Although there is no in-depth research, but health experts believe that the birth of a baby in this method allows a higher IQ than babies born with other methods. Other benefits of this method is that  the baby's blood circulation will be better, so that the baby will be quickly flushed after birth.

Oke, whta do you thing? Could you determine if this method is the best for you? Or we need more post about other methods? You can wait next posting.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Deliveries in Water, Why Not?

Water birth or birth in water is an increasingly popular method. Many pregnant mothers  have a tendency to choose this method. This is because it has a lot of benefits. In addition to reducing pain, it also makes the method of delivery will make pregnant women have more power to push. Some studies suggest that the method of giving birth in water is also beneficial for the baby. This method is basically done in a special maternity pool of water with a temperature of 95-100 degrees Fahrenheit. Avoid using bathtubs or swimming tubs for small children, because it will be  difficult to maintain the right temperature.

Childbirth in water  first introduced in France in 1803. And  during the 1970s, some midwives and doctors in Russia and France became interested in ways to help babies make the transition from life in the womb to life outside as smooth as possible.

Giving birth in the water  helps pregnant mother  feel more relaxed so as to reduce pain during labor. In a bath of water, the skin will have a greater elasticity, thus minimizing the risk of tearing on the baby's birth. Giving birth in water is also beneficial for the baby. Medium water eases the transition baby from the uterus, amniotic fluid, to the outside world. Supporters of the technique say that birth in water harmless. The baby will breathe in the water, because he will start using his lungs until he was taken to the air in the first 10 seconds after birth.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Find The Best Method Of Your Own Delivery

You must have read a lot of books  on childbirth. And maybe  you  have also got a lot of advice you’re your parents or close friends. The point when we are pregnant is , we must  really - really keep the pregnancy healthy. Even the food we consume must be very careful y paid.  Moreover,  if the pregnancy is  the first pregnancy.

And the funny thing, because we got too many suggestions we often become confused, which one should be followed.  During pregnancy our Body  has so many changes. So maybe prenatal  yoga will  helps us cope with the changes.  By doing yoga we can feel comfortable and relaxed. And the most important thing is, we have trained  our breathing skills that we will need during delivery  later.

In the past, people only know two methods of delivery, normal or caesarean. But now there are other delivery methods, such as water birth, home birth, or hypnobirthing. We need to wisely determine the most suitable method  for us.  Because one method  could be a suitable for someone, but not suitable for us.

The question is, how we can  find the best  method ?  Of course we have to find a lot of information from many sources about the three methods.  We must ask for advice from the doctors that we visit regularly,  or we can also share with mothers who had given birth and asked  their experience with method they choose.

Miranda Kerr's Pregnancy

A beautiful model , Miranda Kerr   had  hidden her pregnancy. But  finally she confirmed  the news. She choose a unique way,. Admitting  her pregnancy was not a way to make remarks in public. More than that, he published it in a way took off all her clothes and let the photographer Patrick Demarchelier perpetuate belly. Body Kerr really changed. Although still shows like a glamor model.

In a photograph session, Kerr looks staring proudly. Her hands put  in the stomach that  is now entering the age of seven months. The photos will adorn the planned upcoming December issue of a  magazine.  In an interview, Kerr admitted that currently the main focus is learning to be a mother. "For me, family is life," said the wife of actor Orlando Bloom's.

She then decided to enjoy a short break periods of pregnancy and has no intention to rush back to work soon after childbirth. Kerr and movie stars Pirates of the Caribbean was first met backstage at a fashion show Victoria's Secret in New York in 2006. They married in July in a very private celebration.
Until now, both Kerr and Bloom, was officially announced about her pregnancy in public, let alone about the gender of the baby. They said, let it be a surprise later. Let us pray for them to have a healthy babby.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Nutrition For Mother and Her Baby

Give your attention on nutrition, because providing a good one for both the mother and baby is a must. For you know that two polyunsaturated fatty acids, AA and DHA, are building blocks of brain cells, the vascular system, and other tissues. DHA will be concentrated in the retina of the eye. It is very important for visual function.

DHA facilitates communication between brain cells, a critical brain function. The developing fetus depends on the mother’s nutrition to obtain these fatty acids. The mother’s supply comes from the foods she eats and her own tissues AA and DHA are vital to the mother’s health to support growth of the placenta and developing fetus, maintain her own tissues, and make substances, such as prostaglandins, which are important in childbirth.

The mother has two ways of providing AA and DHA for the fetus. One is to make them from precursor fatty acids and the other is to consume them in foods. For AA, either choice appears sufficient. The body makes AA from linoleic acid, the most plentiful polyunsaturated fatty acid in western diets. Meats and fish have some AA too. In western countries, there appears to be plenty of AA for healthy development of the fetus and young infant.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Pregnant, Yes or No?!

For some women, especially in western country, being a mother is about choice. But not in eastern, even it become a must. It is because, a husband can divorce his wife if she ha not ability to get pregnant. But whatever the reason, we must set our goals about having (or not having) children . Especially when we are sexually active. It is what we called as reproductive life plan. It also involves knowing what we will take to support our goals. Of course our personal values, beliefs and society will have significant influences.
And the last we must calculate our health condition too, When we dicide to have baby, we must consult our health condition to a doctor. So we know if we have something that will influence our pregnancy or not.The worst, if the doctor say, we must not be pregnant, due to some medical reason, we must make a right decision.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

The Process of Pregnancy

The pregnancy process by which the single-cell human embryo (called a zygote (zi’got),1 becomes a 100 trillion-cell (1014) adult is perhaps the most remarkable phenomenon in all of nature. Studying human development from fertilization to birth, means that we will see these body parts and body systems emerge . We also learn when many routine body functions begin. Human development is a continuous process beginning with fertilization and continuing throughout pregnancy, birth, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and into old age. The process of pregnancy preceded by a process of fertilization of the egg cell united with sperm cells or spermatozoa and the results will form a zygote. zygotes started to divide one cell into two cells, two cells become four cells and so on. On the fourth day of the zygote becomes a lump cells that are ready to attach to the lining of the cavity the uterus (endometrium). Pregnancy begins in this process. On the seventh day the lump was organized into layers cells surrounding a room that contains a group of cells in the inside. Most pregnancy lasts about 40 weeks (280 days) and no more than 43 weeks (300 days). gestation which took place between 20-38 weeks of pregnancy is called preterm, whereas when more than 42 weeks of pregnancy are called postterm. According to age, pregnancy is divided into three, namely pregnancy first trimester 0-14 weeks, the second trimester of pregnancy 14-28 weeks and the third trimester of pregnancy 28-42 weeks.